Brand Directory: Gardening
- A Bloom Garden Center
- A&P Nursery
- AA PLUS Landscaping
- ABM Lawn Care
- Access Hydroponic
- Acme Hydroponics
- Admired By Nature
- Advanced Nutrients
- Advanced Organics
- AeroGarden
- Affirmation Plants
- AgCare Products
- Agrarian Seed and Garden
- Agri-Fab
- Agrica
- Agricultural Organics
- Agriculture Solutions
- Agriframes US
- Agrimart
- AgroThrive
- AHL Garden Supply
- Ahopegarden
- Air Plant City
- Air Plant Design Studio
- Air Plant Shop
- Air Plant Supply
- Airjet Technologies
- Airplantman
- Aitken's Salmon Creek Garden
- Al's Garden & Home
- Algreen
- Ali's Organics & Garden Supply
- ALIEN® Hydroponics
- Aliki Crop Advisors
- All Backyard Fun
- All Green Hydroponics
- All Things Bonsai
- Alliance of Native Seed Keepers
- Almost Eden
- Alpha Chemicals
- Alpine Nursery
- Alpine Village Farms
- Alsip Home & Nursery
- Alternative Hydro
- Altifarm
- Altman Plants
- Alumacart
- Alvarez Nursery
- Always Green Turf
- Amazing Stuff For You!
- America's Gardens
- American Hydroponics
- American Meadows
- American Plant
- American Plant Exchange
- American River Waterscapes
- Amturf
- Anderson's VA
- Andersons Home and Garden
- Angelas Garden
- Annie's Heirloom Seeds
- Annie’s Annuals
- Ansel And Ivy
- Anthem Landscape & Design
- Apenberry's Gardens
- Apostle Pavers & Landscape
- Appalachian Emporium
- Applied Imagination
- AquaBella
- Aquaponics 4 You
- AquaSprout Farms
- AquaSprouts
- Arber
- Arbordale Nurseries Landscaping and Garden Center
- Arcadia Garden Products
- Archie's Gardenland
- ARCO Lawn Equipment
- Arium
- Arizona Arborists & Landscapes
- Arizona Cactus Sales
- Arizona Pottery
- Armstrong Garden
- Armstrong Houseplants
- Arrowbrooke Landscapes
- Art Terrarium
- Artemisia
- Articulture Designs
- Artscape Land Design
- Ashwood Nurseries
- Aspara
- aspara United States
- Aster Gardens
- Atami
- Athens Stonecasting
- ATL Urban Farms
- Atlanta Palms
- Atlantic Turf
- Atlantis Hydroponics
- Auk
- Aurora Innovations
- Austin Landscape and Design
- Austram
- AVA Byte
- Avalow
- Avera Products
- AvoSeedo
- B & W Landscape & Patio
- B.Willow
- Bace
- Back to Eden Gardening
- Back To The Roots
- Backyard Barnyard
- Backyard Farming Supply
- Backyard Garden Seed
- Backyard Safari
- Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company
- Baker's Village Garden Center
- Bamboo Craftsman Co.
- Bank on Seeds
- Banting's Nursery
- Bar Harbor Cedar
- Bare Ground
- Bare Honey
- Bare Root Landscape
- Barenbrug
- Bark & Vine
- BarnDoor Ag
- Barnel
- Barnyard Products
- Barnyard Specialties
- Barrels & Branches
- Barson's Greenhouse
- Barton Springs Nursery
- Bates Nursery and Garden Center
- Bath Garden Center and Nursery
- Bay Gardens
- Bayside Garden Center
- BC Northern Lights
- Bee Green Recycling & Supply
- Bee Smart
- Bees N Blooms
- Bella Bonsai Nursery
- Bella Bora
- Bellefontaine Nursery
- Belmont Nursery
- BeneHorti
- Benson Plant Rescue
- Bentley Seeds
- Beretta Farms
- Berkeley Horticultural Nursery
- Berridge Nurseries
- Best Juicy Tomatoes
- Best Rosa
- BetterGrow Hydro
- Beuta
- BGI Fertilizers
- Big Oak Nursery
- Big Tree Supply
- Big Trees Today
- Big Yellow Bag
- Bigelow Nurseries
- Binny Plants
- BioAg
- BioBizz
- BioGreen USA
- Bitponics
- Black Cat Colorants
- Black In the Garden
- Black Kow
- Blk Girls Green House
- Bloom Garden Shop
- Bloom Garden Supply
- Bloom Grows
- Bloom KS
- Bloombox Club
- BloomCatch
- BloomGrow
- Bloomin Bin
- Bloomin Designs Nursery
- Blooming Colors Nursery
- Bloomingbulb
- Bloomist
- Bloomscape
- Blue Ridge Exotics
- Bluestone Perennials
- Bluum Planters
- Blvd Nursery
- Bmaker
- BodhiGrow
- Bohica Pepper Hut
- Bokashi Ninja
- Bonnie Plants
- Bonsai Boy
- Bonsai Boy of New York
- Bonsai of Brooklyn
- Bonsai Outlet
- Bonsaify
- Bootstrap Farmer
- Bosco's Garden Center
- Boskke
- Bosmere
- Bosmere USA
- Bosque
- Boston Warehouse
- Botanica Boutique
- Botanical Interests
- Botanicals
- Botanicare
- BotaniTech Plus
- Botanium
- Botanopia USA
- Boulevard Flower Gardens
- Bouncing Bear Botanicals
- Bountea
- Bower & Branch
- Bowood Farms
- Brandon The Plant Guy
- Brandywine Trees
- Breck's
- Bremec Garden & Design Center
- Brent and Becky's
- Brew & Grow Hydroponic
- Briden Nursery
- Bright Home Landscapes
- Brilliest
- Brinsea
- Brook And Hunter
- Brooks Landscaping
- Bros with Hoes Plant Co.
- Brower
- Brumley & Bloom
- Brush Creek Gift Nook
- Brussel's Bonsai
- Brut Worm Farms
- Buchanan's Native Plants
- Bug Biting Plants
- Build A Soil
- Build With Hubs
- Bulk Seed Store
- BulkPlantDepot
- Bullseye Outdoor Services
- Bumper Crop
- Burger Farm
- Burien Bark
- Burnt Ridge Nursery
- Burpee
- Bushnell Gardens
- Buy Virginia Trees
- Bwgs
- Bylon Micro-Farms
- Byrd's Botanical
- Bzak
- CedarCraft
- Cabigrow
- Cabin Kit Company
- CACHEPOT Floral & Garden
- Cacti & Exotica
- Cactus & Tropicals
- Cactus Limon
- Cactus Store
- Cagliero Ranch Nursery
- California Cactus Center
- California Carnivores
- California Greenhouses
- California Landscape Supply
- California Super Soil
- California Tropicals
- Calloway's Nursery
- Camarillo Nursery
- Campbell & Ferrara
- Campbell's Greenhouses
- Cannabmall
- CannAssist
- Cannavista
- Canopia by Palram
- Canopy Lawn Care
- Capital Arborists
- Capital Mulch Company
- Carnivero
- Carnivorous Plant Nursery
- Carnivorous Plant Resource
- Carnivorous Plant Store
- Carolina Outdoor Care
- Carpinito Brothers
- Casaplanta Garden Center
- Cate's Garden
- Cedar Creek Nursery
- Celestial Bonsai
- Cellar Door Plants
- Central Coast Garden
- Central Texas Tree & Garden
- CF Hydroponics
- Chalily
- Chapin
- Chapman's Greenhouse
- Chapon's Greenhouse
- Cheapesthydro
- Chelsea Garden Center
- Chew Valley Trees
- Chia
- Chicago Roots
- Chicken Coop Guides
- Chicken Guard
- Chicken Hill
- Chief River Nursery
- Christine's Tropical & Exotic Plants
- Chuckanut Products
- Circle C Country Supply
- City Farmers Nursery
- City Floral Garden Center
- City Garden Design
- City Grange
- Civicgift
- Classic Nursery & Landscape Co
- Classic Stonescaping and Gardens
- Classy Cactus Farm
- Classy Groundcovers
- Clayola
- Clean Air Gardening
- Clean Air Lawn Care
- CleanStraw
- Click & Grow
- Cliff Avenue Greenhouse and Garden Center
- Clone Coach
- Clone Shipper
- Cloverdale Nursery
- CM Gatling Landscaping
- Coast of Mine
- Coastal Edge Landscaping
- Coburn
- Coco and Seed
- Cocoyard Garden Supply
- Coffee Pod Cutter
- Colorblends
- Comfort Plants
- Community Garden Centers
- Concept Casa
- Conifer Kingdom
- Connected Garden
- Connor's Landscape
- Constant Lawn + Gardener
- Container Garden Club
- Cook’s Carnivorous Plants
- CoolBot
- Coop Poop Garden Food
- Corner Copia Gardens
- Costa Farms
- Cotton & Moss
- Country Arbors Nursery
- Country Fair Garden Center
- Country Manufacturing
- CoverFields Landscape LLC
- Covington's Nursery & Landscape
- Crazy Plant Bae
- Creative American Home
- Creech’s Lawn and Landscape
- Crescent Garden
- Crimson Horticultural Rarities
- CropKing
- Cross Creek Nursery and Landscape
- CTS Air Plants
- Cultivate Colorado
- Cultivation Superstore
- Cummins Nursery
- Curious Plant
- Cz Garden
- D & B Supply
- Dahing Plants
- Daily Blooms Farm
- Dalen Products
- Dan the Grow Man
- Dandy Farmer
- Danny's Grow Tents
- Dansha Farms
- David Austin Roses
- David's Garden Seeds
- Dbc Agricultural Products
- Dealzer Hydroponics
- Delano Nursery
- DeNigris Garden Center
- Dennis Polk
- Denver Plant Delivery
- Desert Gardens
- Desk Plants
- Detroit Nutrient Company
- deVINE Plantery
- Dewitt Company
- Dewplanter
- DF Omer Catalog
- Dharma's Garden
- Dickens Turf and Landscape Supply
- Dig It Gardens
- Dilepix
- Dip 'N Grow
- Direct Gardening
- Direct Native Plants
- Dirt Bag
- Discount Hydroponics
- Discount Snow Stakes
- Distinctive Designs
- Dobbies
- Domain Outdoor
- Domestify
- Dovetail Timbers
- Dr. Earth
- Driftwood Garden Centers
- Drill Till
- Drip System Headquarters
- Drugs For Plants
- Dryden Trading Co.
- DS Garden Supplies
- DuDu Succulents
- Duncheon's Nursery
- Durvet
- Dutch Gardens
- Dutch Touch Growers
- DutchGrown
- DW Silks
- Dyna-Gro
- E-Burgess
- Earl May Garden Centers
- Earth and Grow
- Earth Science
- Earth Works
- Earth&Jungle
- Earthbeat Seeds
- EarthBox
- Earthstayer
- East Austin Succulents
- East Coast Hydro
- East End Trees
- Eastern Irrigation
- Eastern Leaf
- Easy DIY Aquaponics
- Easy to Grow Bulbs
- Easyplant
- Eaton Brothers
- Eatwell Farm
- EB Stone & Son
- Echter's Nursery & Garden Center
- Eckerts Greenhouse
- Eco Garden Solutions
- ECOgardener
- Ecologel Solutions
- Ecological Labs
- Ecosprout
- EcoTraction
- Ed's Plant Shop
- EDEN Brothers
- Eden Garden Design
- Eden Green Technology
- Eden Grow Systems
- Edenz Hydro
- Edible Walls
- Efficient Grow Systems
- eGardenSeed
- Elegant Orchids
- Elemental Bonsai & Tea Gardens
- Elfsys
- Elite Garden
- Elwoh
- Emsco Group
- Enchanted Gardens
- Engineered Essentials
- Enroot Products
- Enviro Color
- Envirocycle
- Envy Plant Foods
- Ephemera Terrariums
- Epic Basing
- Epic Gardening
- ePlanters
- Erin's Meadow Herb Farm
- Esbenshades
- Espoma
- Esschert Design
- Ethnobotany Shop
- Eucalyptus Farms
- Eureka Farms
- Eveage
- Everglades Farm
- Evergreen Garden
- Evergreen Nursery
- Evergreen Supply
- Everwilde Farms
- Everyday Roots
- Evincedev Plugins
- Exaco Trading Company
- Exemplary Gardens
- Exotic Flora
- Exotic Plants
- Extra Mile Lawn Care
- EZ Clone
- Fairview Garden Center
- Falls Church Hydroponics
- Family Home & Garden
- Family Tree Nursery
- Famous Microgreens
- Fantastic Gardens of Long Island
- Fantzyplantz
- Farm and Garden Center
- Farm and Rancher
- Farm Innovators
- Farm Plastic Supply
- FarmBox Foods
- Farmer Johns Home Garden Fashion
- Farmers Friend
- Farmers Market Garden Center
- Farmshelf
- FarmTek
- Farrell's Lawn & Garden Center
- Farwest Landscape & Garden Center
- Fat Plants San Diego
- Fcmp Outdoor
- Fedco Seeds
- Fern Shop Cincinnati
- Fernwood Gardens
- Ferry-Morse Home Gardening
- Ferti Lome
- Fertilizer Calculator
- Feuerhand USA
- Fibre Dust
- Fifth Season Gardening
- Fifthroom Markets
- Firefly farm and Mercantile
- First Saturday Lime
- Fisher Blacksmithing
- Fisher's Gardens
- Fishnure
- FiveSTAR Landscape
- Flagsrus
- Flamingo Road Nursery
- Fleur & Co.
- Flexrake
- Flora Flex
- Flora Grubb Gardens
- Flora Plant Shop
- Florae
- Florafelt
- FloraLife
- Floret Flowers
- Flori-Culture Hoyas & Tropical Nursery
- Florida Aquatic Nursery
- Florida Garden Supplies
- Florida Hill Nursery
- Florida Nursery Mart
- Florin Perkins Landscape Materials
- Flourish Shop
- Flow State
- Flower Window Boxes
- Flowercraft Garden Center
- Flowerland
- Flowing River Farm
- Folia Collective
- Foliage Garden
- Fontaine Landscaping
- Foody Vertical Garden
- For Garden's Sake
- ForestFarm
- Forestry Distributing
- Forever Garden Beds
- Forever Plants Plus
- Forevergreen Landscaping
- Fork Farms
- Fort Collins Nursery
- Fossil Creek Nursery
- Found Things Plant Shop
- Four Seasons Nurseries
- Four Seasons Nursery
- Four Winds Growers
- Fox River Valley Nursery
- FoxFarm
- Foxgloves
- Foxgloves Garden Supplies
- Frame It All
- Freight Farms
- Frost Proof Growers Supply
- Frosty Gardens
- Funk's Trucking
- Funny Bug Bees
- Future Harvest
- Future Vertical Farming
- GA Grow Tent
- Gaia Plant Co.
- Galbraith's
- Galcon
- Gale's Westlake Garden Center
- Gallagher
- Ganim's Garden Center
- Garant
- Garden Age Supply
- Garden Arc
- Garden Crossings
- Garden Dominion Supply
- Garden Fountains
- Garden Gazebo
- Garden Glory
- Garden Goods Direct
- Garden Grove Hydro & Nursery Supply
- Garden Hills Nursery
- Garden Houses Outdoor Living
- Garden In Minutes
- Garden Mate
- Garden on a Roll
- Garden Price
- Garden Prodigy
- Garden Republic
- Garden Sun
- Garden Supply Company
- Garden Topsoil Direct
- Garden Tower Project
- Garden View Nursery
- Gardener's Supply
- Gardenera
- Gardeners Corner
- Gardener’s Outpost
- Gardening-Naturally
- Gardeningwill
- Gardenique
- Gardenised
- Gardenite
- Gardens & Grounds
- Gardens Nursery
- Gardens of Babylon
- Gardensphere
- GardenTap
- Gardenuity
- Gardin
- Gardyn
- Gartenkraft
- Gempler's
- General Hydroponics
- Generic Seeds
- Genrich's Garden Center
- Georgia Tree Farm
- Gethsemane Garden Center
- GetPotted
- Giannini Garden
- Gilbert H. Wild
- Ginkgo Gardens
- Ginni Bloom
- Giromagi
- Glass Box Tropicals
- Glendora Gardens
- Glover Nursery
- Go Green Aquaponics
- Go Grow Planters
- Gold Lawn Care
- Goldsol Brands
- Good Dirt
- Good Earth Water Gardens
- Good Hope Hydroponics
- Goodland Bee Supply
- Gorilla Carts
- Gorilla Grow Tent
- Gowan USA
- Grace Walk Farm
- Grampa's Weeder
- Grand Grow Supply
- Grandpa's Feeders
- Grass Pad
- Grass Roots Pond & Garden
- Great Garden Plants
- Great Garden Supply
- Green Acres Nursery & Supply
- Green Biz Nursery & Landscaping
- Green Bonsai
- Green Decor
- Green Door Garden
- Green Fashion Nursery
- Green Garden Tools
- Green Gardening
- Green Lady Gardens
- Green Landscape Nursery SCV
- Green Leaf Aquariums
- Green Life Farms
- Green Rooms
- Green Things Nursery
- Green Thumb Bonsai
- Green Thumb Nursery
- Green Valley Supply
- Green View Fertilizer
- Green's Gardening & Landscaping
- Green4Air
- GreenCoast Hydroponics
- Greendigs
- Greener Hydroponics
- Greenery NYC
- Greenery Unlimited
- Greenes Fence
- Greenhouse Megastore
- Greenleaf Nutrients
- Greenmile Hydroponics
- Greenscape Gardens
- GreenSpace
- Greenstreet Gardens
- GreenWaste
- Greenway Biotec
- Greenwood Nursery
- Grimm's Gardens
- GRO Products
- GRO-WELL Brands
- GroGardens
- Gronomics
- GroPod
- GroTech Garden
- Grotrax
- Grounded
- Grōv Technologies
- Grow Ace
- Grow Geneva
- Grow Giant
- Grow Green Mi
- Grow It Depot
- Grow it Naturally
- Grow Kings
- Grow Masters
- Grow More
- Grow Plant Shop
- Grow Smart Greens
- Grow Supply Shop
- Grow Tent Harvest
- Grow Tents Depot
- Grow Up
- Grow Wiser Garden Supply
- Growboxau
- Growbuds
- Growco Indoor Garden Supply
- Growealth
- Growee
- Grower Scrog Nets
- Growers & Co.
- Growers Co-Op
- Growers Exchange
- Growers Solution
- Growers Supply
- GrowFlux
- GrowGeneration
- GrowGoods Garden Supply
- GrowGreen
- Growing Home Farms
- Growjoy
- GrowLED
- GrowOya
- GrowUp Greenwalls
- GRWN Seeds
- GS Plant Foods
- GTG Hydroponics
- Guerrero Landscaping
- Guerrilla Grow Hydroponics
- Guilford Garden Center
- Gurley's Azalea Garden
- Gurney's
- Gym Shoe Decoys
- H2OtoGro Hydroponics
- Habiscapes
- Hamama
- hammer + vine
- Hana Tropicals
- Handimod
- Handy Gardeners
- Happy Gardens
- Happy Healthy Houseplant Emporium
- Happy Hen Treats
- Happy Hydro
- Harddy
- Harlow Gardens
- Harpster Tarps
- Harris Seeds
- Harrod Horticultural
- Harvest Grow Supply
- Harvest Lane
- Harvest to Home
- Harwell's Green Thumb Nursery
- HC Companies
- Heady Gardens
- Healthy Hydro
- Healthy Ponds
- Healthy Soil Organics
- Hefty Harvest
- Hello, Grower
- Heritage Garden
- Hewitts
- Hey Abby
- Hicks Nurseries
- High Country Plastics
- High-Hand
- HighDroGro
- Highlands Garden Center
- Hilo Grow Shop
- Hirt's Garden
- Hold It Mate
- Holland Beauty Flower and Bulb Corporation
- Holland Bulb Farms
- Home & Garden Trend
- HomeAndGardenForLess
- Homegrown Garden
- Homegrown Nursery
- Homenote
- Hometown Seeds
- Homewood Nursery & Garden Center
- Honey Badger Gloves
- Honey Plant
- Hooks & Lattice
- Hoover Gardens & Gift Center
- Hopper Topper
- Horizen Hydroponics
- Hormex
- Hort Americas
- Horti
- Hortica
- Horticulture
- Horticulture Source
- Hose Silver Bullet
- Hospitality Source
- Hoss Tools
- HotBin Composting
- House of Bonsai
- House Plant Box
- House Plant Collective
- House Plant Shop
- Houseplant Collection
- Houseplant Nation
- Houston Garden Centers
- HTG Supply
- Hudson Valley Seed
- Humble Bee
- Humboldts Secret Supplies
- Hydra Unlimited
- Hydro 45
- Hydro Builder
- Hydro City
- Hydro Mousse
- Hydro Pros
- Hydrofarm
- Hydropolis
- Hydroponic Garden Zone
- Hydroponic Research
- Hydroponics Simplified
- HydroStacker
- HydroWorlds
- HyGrowponics
- I like Sheds
- I Must Garden
- IBEX Growing System
- Idlewild Butterfly Farm
- iDOO
- IGWorks
- Impello Biosciences
- In The Garden
- Indian Creek Nursery
- Indo Tropical Plant
- Indoor Gardens
- Indoor Water Gardens
- Industrial Vegetation Management
- ingarden
- Instant Jungle International
- Instant Plant Food
- Inteletool
- Intergard
- Interior Gardens
- Iowa City Landscaping & Garden Center
- Irish Eyes
- It's Garden Time
- Ithaca Agway & True Value
- Ivandale Farms
- Izel Plants
- Jack Frost Landscapes & Garden Center
- Jack's Nutrients
- Jackson & Perkins
- Jade & Clover
- Japanese Maples and Evergreens
- Japi Pottery
- Jared's Nursery
- Jeden
- Jekka's
- Jene's Tropical
- Jensen’s Flower and Garden
- Jewett-Cameron
- JFH Horticultural Supplies
- Jiffy
- JNK Landscaping & Pools
- Jobe's
- Joe Cappel’s Garden Center
- John and Bob's
- John's Carnivorous Plants
- JohnnySeeds
- Johnson Brothers Garden Market
- Johnson's Garden Centers
- Johnson's Nursery
- Jonsteen
- Jora Composter
- JR Peters
- JRM Chemical
- Juan Perez Lawn Service
- Jung Seed Co.
- Jungle Cat Plant Shop
- Jungle Room
- Just Vertical
- JustJinxd
- JustPots
- JVI Secret Gardens
- Keeping It Green Nursery
- K & A Landscape Supply
- K. Van Bourgondien
- Kanso Designs
- Kariba Farms
- Kathy’s Corner
- KD Tree Service
- Kelp4less
- Ken Matthews Garden Center
- Kennedy's Country Gardens
- Kent East Hill Nursery
- Kenterra
- Keynice
- Killer Plant Company
- Kind LED Grow Lights
- King's Garden Center
- King's Nursery
- Kings County
- Kings Gardening
- Kinsman Garden
- Klein's Floral & Greenhouses
- KnowingNature
- Koetsier's Greenhouse
- Koolau Farmers
- Koolsci
- Kopke's Greenhouse
- Koray Grow Light
- Kumar Bros USA
- Kushners Garden & Patio
- LA Garden Supply
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
- Laguna Hills Nursery
- Land & Garden
- LandArt of Rockwall
- Landco
- Landmark Plant Co.
- Landscape Locators
- LargeMart
- Laughing Buddha Nursery
- Lavish Gardens Landscape
- Lawn Master
- Lawn Pro
- Lawn Ventures Material Supply
- Lawnbright
- LawnScapes of South Florida
- LawnStar
- Lazy Flora
- Lazy Pro
- LBE Design
- Le Petit Champi
- Leach Botanical Garden
- Leaf
- Leaf and Clay
- Leaf Envy
- Leaf'd Box
- Leafage
- LeafGenius
- Leafy House
- Leath
- Leedstone
- LeGrow
- LemonCitrusTree
- Léon & George
- Leonard Landscaping
- Leserra's Nursery
- Let it Grow Fresno
- LetPot
- Lettuce Grow
- Liberty Garden
- Light My Green
- Lighthouse Garden Center
- Lilly Miller
- Lilypons Water Gardens
- Lincoln Ave Nursery
- Link4 Corporation
- Little Baja
- Little Bird Gardens
- Little Green A Plant Bar
- Little Leaf
- Little Prince
- Little Red Nursery
- Little Shop of Hydros
- Lively Root
- LIVIN farms
- Living Color Garden Center
- Llama Brew
- LM Farms
- LocalHarvest
- Lock Jawz
- Logan's Garden Shop
- Logee's
- London Bridge Greenhouses & Nursery
- London Grow
- London House Plants
- Lone Pine Gardens
- Lone Star Hydroponics
- Longfield Gardens
- Lono
- Loop Living
- Lopez Landscaping
- Lopez Trees
- Lost in the Forrest
- Lots of Plants
- Lotus Nutrients
- Louie's Nursery
- Louisiana Nursery
- Lous Bonsai
- Love My Bonsai
- Loves Light
- Luciano's Landscape & Design
- Lucky Bonsai
- Lucky Roots
- Lueder's Lawn Seeding & Trucking
- Luis' Nursery
- Lukas Nursery
- Lula's Garden
- LumenAgri
- Lush Landscapes
- Maine Garden Products
- M & M Nursery
- Magic Valley Gardens
- Magictec
- Magnolia Garden Center
- Mahoney's Garden Centers
- Making Soils Better
- Malibu Compost
- Malmborg's Garden Center & Greenhouse
- Maranta Plant Shop
- Marbil Nursery
- Mari's Gardens
- Mari's Urban Garden
- Marquis Water Gardens
- Mars Hydro
- Marshall Grain
- Martin's Home & Garden
- Martinez Masonry & Landscaping
- Martinson's Garden Works
- MAS Outlet
- Master Mark
- Master Pavers and Landscaping
- Maximum Grow Gardening
- MaxPower
- Mayo Garden Centers
- Maypop Coffee & Garden Shop
- McCord's Garden Center & Landscaping
- McCue Garden Center
- McDonald Garden Center
- McKay Nursery
- Meadow Creature
- Meadows Farms Nurseries
- Medic Grow
- Meehan’s Miniatures
- Mehrabyan Nursery
- Melky Group
- Mella's Jungle
- Meme's Worms
- Mendocino Maples Nursery
- Messinas
- Metropolitan Plant & Flower Exchange
- MI Home Nest
- Michael Todd's Landscape Specialties
- Michigan Peat Company
- Michigan Rose Construction
- Mickey Hargitay Plants
- Mid-South Ag
- Midwest Grow Co.
- Midwest Grow Kits
- Midwest Rake
- Midwest Wire Works
- MIgardener
- Mighty Hydro
- Mighty Max Cart
- Mike the Gardener
- Milk Check
- Milkweed Monarchy
- Millcreek Gardens
- Miracle-Gro
- Miracle-Gro Twelve
- Misco Home and Garden
- Mission Hills Nursery
- Mission Hydroponics
- Moana Nursery
- Mocho Lawn Care and Landscaping
- Modern Grower
- Modern Sprout
- Modernized Pottery
- MoGrowIn
- Mole Valley Topsoil
- Monarch Home & Garden
- Monrovia
- Moon Valley Nurseries
- Moore and Moore Garden Center
- Moreno Landscaping
- Moss & More
- Moss Acres
- Mosser Lee
- Mother Co., Plants
- Mother Earth Garden LLC
- Mother Earth Gardens
- MotorLeaf
- Mountain Crest Gardens
- Mountain Lion Garden Supply
- Mountain Valley Seed Co.
- Mowtown USA
- Mr Maple
- Mr Stacky
- Mr. Sprout & Co.
- MRT Lawn and Garden Center
- MRZ Contracting
- MTB Supply Inc
- Mulch Masters
- Mulhall’s Nursery
- Mushbox
- Mushroom Spawn Store
- MushSense
- My City Plants
- My Frugal Home
- MycoHaus
- Mycology-Supply
- MyFairy Gardens
- MyHiGrow
- MySoil
- National Plant Network
- Nativ Nurseries
- Native Gardeners
- Native Pest Management
- Native Wildflowers
- Natorps
- Natty Garden
- Natural Alternative
- Natural Apiary
- Natural Green Grass Patch
- Nature Boy Landscaping
- Nature Hills Nursery
- Nature Tech
- Nature's Blossom
- Nature's Finest Seed
- Nature's Footprint
- Nature's Living Soil
- Nature's Seed
- Nature's Way Bird
- Natures Garden Candle Supply
- Natures Lawn
- Nature’s Cradle
- Needham's Nursery
- Neptune's Harvest
- Neverland
- New Earth Organics and Hydroponics
- New England Bonsai Gardens
- New England Hydroponics
- New Garden Plants
- New Life Nursery and Garden
- New Project Landscaping
- Newer Spreader
- Next World Exotics
- NextLight
- Nice Planter
- Nice Plants Good Pots
- Niche Plant Shop
- Nicholson-Hardie
- Nick's Garden Center
- Nisaku Japan
- No Stress Hydroponics
- No-Till Farmer
- Non Hybrid Seeds
- Norens Nursery
- Norfolk County Feed & Seed Store
- North End Organic Nursery
- North Haven Gardens
- North Park Nursery
- North Woods
- Northeast Nursery
- Northern Grower
- Northwest Grow Supply
- Northwest Landscape and Maintenance
- Norwood Gardens
- Novelty Manufacturing
- Nuccio's Nurseries
- NULAWN Landscape
- Nutraponics
- Nutritower
- Nuvue
- NV Landscapes LLC
- O'Toole's Garden Centers
- O.F Wolfinbarger
- Oak Hills Hydroponics
- Oakdale Greenhouses
- Oakland Nursery
- OC Hydro
- OC Succulents And More by KristN
- octavia888
- OGarden Smart
- Ogrow
- Oh Happy Plants!
- Oh Là Leaves
- Old Farmer's Almanac
- Old House Trees
- Olde City Garden
- Olle Gardens
- Olson Outdoor
- Olympic Organics
- Olympus Myco
- One Stop Garden Shop
- Online Plant Center
- Onyx Boxes
- OPCOM Farm
- Oramicin
- Orange County Farm Supply
- Orange County Succulents
- Orange Garden Supply
- Orbella Fragrant Moss
- OrcaSong Farm
- Oregon's Constant Gardener
- Organic Designs By Aggelige
- Organic Healthy Grow
- Organic Heirloom Plants
- Organic Mechanics Soil
- Organic Plant Magic
- Organics Alive
- OrganiLock
- Orolong
- Orscheln Farm and Home
- Osmocote
- Out On a Limb Tree Service
- Outdoor Warehouse Supply
- Outlaw Garden
- Outsidepride
- PA Hydroponics
- Pacific Coast Outdoor Living and Landscapes
- Paiko
- Paisley Farm and Crafts
- Palette Pots
- Palmer Planter Company
- Palmer's Garden
- Paradigm Gardens
- Paraíso Plant Studio
- Paramount Lawn + Landscape
- Paramount Nursery
- Park Seed
- Parkview Nursery
- Parmak
- Party'n With Plants
- Pase Seeds
- Patch Plants
- Patriot Electric Fencing
- Patuxent Nursery
- PBI-Gordon
- Peace Tree Farm
- Pearl's Premium
- Pegasus Bags
- Penngrove Market
- Pennington
- Peony's Envy
- Pepper Joe's
- PepperHead
- Perennial Farm Marketplace
- Perfect Choice Nursery
- Perfect Plants
- Perky Plant
- Pernell Gerver's
- Perreault Nurseries
- Perris hydroponics
- Personal Lawn Care
- Personal Plants
- Personal Touch Landscape & Gardening
- Petitti Garden Centers
- PetraTools
- Phantom Gardener
- Phelps Nursery Pittsburgh
- Phlizon
- Phoenix Desert Nursery
- Photonic LED
- Piante Design
- Pikaplant
- Pinder's Nursery
- Pine Tree Tools
- Pinetree Garden Seeds
- Pinnacle Mercantile
- Pirate Seed
- Pistils Nursery
- PittMoss
- Planet Desert
- Plant City Bonsai
- Plant Collective
- Plant Daddy
- Plant Delights Nursery
- Plant Gather
- Plant Gay
- Plant Good Seed
- Plant Jungle
- Plant Knight
- Plant Lab
- Plant Material
- Plant Me Green
- Plant Place Nursery
- Plant Proper
- Plant Scouts
- Plant Seads
- Plant Shop Manchester
- Plant Terra
- Plant The Future
- Plant Theory Co
- Plant Vine
- Plant World Seeds
- Plant3seven
- Planta Nursery
- Plantation
- PlantBoxs
- Planted Perfect
- Planted Pot
- Plantflix
- plantfolio
- Plantgem
- PlantHouse
- Plantiitas
- Planting Justice
- Planting Secrets
- Planting Tree
- Plantlush
- Plantly
- Plantmates
- Plantoem
- plantofi
- Plantopia
- Plantquility
- Plants & Mushrooms
- Plants & Planters
- Plants and Friends To Go
- Plants Express
- Plants for Pet Parents
- Plants of the Southwest
- Plants4Home
- PlantSnap
- Plantsurge
- Plantui Smart Garden
- Planty Love Co
- PlantyQueens
- Playsafer
- Please, Plants
- Pointless Plants
- Polar Trailer
- Pollinate Farm & Garden
- Pond Market
- Pond Worx
- PondH2o
- Ponix Systems
- Poot’s Cactus
- Pope's Garden Center
- Portland Ave Nursery
- Portland Bloem
- Portland Pet Stores
- Post
- Potiere
- Potted
- Pottery Express
- PotteryMfg
- Power Grow Systems
- Powerworks
- Prairie Moon Nursery
- Prairie Nursery
- Precision Products
- Predatory Plants
- Predictive Nutrient Solutions
- Preen
- Preferred Outdoor Designs
- Premier 1 Supplies
- Premier Hydro
- Premium Mushroom Spores
- Premium Topsoil Supplies
- Preston Greenhouse
- Pretmanns
- Prickett's Nursery
- Priene HOME
- Pro Plugger
- Pro Ponds West
- ProActive Landscaping
- Project G Cube
- Propagate
- Proven Winners
- Puckett's Nursery
- Pure Greens
- Pure Pollination
- PureModern
- Rabbit Ridge Berry Farm
- Radius Garden
- Rail City Garden Center
- Rain Chains in a Nutshell
- Rainbow Carnivorous Plants
- Raindrip
- Raintree Nursery
- Raised Beds
- Ramsey Succulents
- Randy McManus Designs
- RASA Hydroponics & Organics
- Razor Back
- Real Palm Trees
- Red Gorilla USA
- Red Sun Landscape Design
- Redbud Garden Center
- Redbud Soil
- RedLeaf Exotics
- Redmond Brands
- Redrock Farm
- Redwood Nursery & Garden Center
- Reencle
- Reforestum
- Regan Nursery
- Remarkable Roofing & Remodel
- Renee's Garden Seeds
- Renfrow Hardware
- RePotme
- ReRoot
- Reyes Landscaping & Lawncare
- Reynolds Farm Equipment
- Rhino Seed
- Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden
- Ricardo's Nursery
- Richfield Farms
- Ridgewood Soils
- Rigavit
- Rightbud
- Rise & Root Farm
- Rise Gardens
- Risentek
- Rising Kale Farms
- Rite Farm
- Riverstone Industries
- Robert Allen Home & Garden
- Robert Leeper Landscapes
- Rock n Block Landscape
- Rockwell Irrigation & Landscaping
- Rocky’s Stone & More
- Roger's Gardens
- Rogers Gardens
- Rogers Landscape
- Rogue Farmers
- Rohrer Seeds
- Rolling Ridge Nursery
- Romence Gardens & Greenhouses
- Ron Anderson Bonsai
- Rooster Booster
- Root & Vessel
- Root and Stock
- Root Assassin Tools
- Root Houseplants
- Root Naturally
- Rooted
- Rooted Healing Plants
- Rooted NYC
- Rooted Pots
- Roots Kc
- Roots Plant Studio
- Rosehill Gardens
- Rosso Gardens WA
- Rosy Soil
- Rotoshovel
- RoundUp
- Row 7
- Roxanne's Dried Flowers
- Royal Rooster
- Rudy's Nursery & Garden Center
- Ruibals
- Rural King
- Rush Industries
- Russell's Lawn Care
- Ryan Riley's Elite Garden
- Sacred Elements
- Saftcart
- Sagano Garden
- Sage & Sill
- Sage And Stone
- San Gabriel Nursery & Florist
- Sandbaggy
- Sanderson Creek Bonsai
- Santa Barbara Nursery
- Santa Rosa Gardens
- Sarah Raven
- SarahCotta Plants
- Sarracenia Northwest
- Sassy Soul Sister
- Savana Garden
- Sayhon
- SB Evolution Landscape
- Schroeder's Lawn & Garden
- Scott Exotic Plants
- Scottish Bamboo
- Scotwood Industries
- Scruggs
- Sea of Green Hydrogardens
- Sea-90
- Secret Garden Designs
- Seed Armory
- Seed Bank Box
- Seed Barn
- Seed Corner
- Seed Keeper Company
- Seed Needs
- Seed Needs US
- Seed Savers
- Seed World USA
- Seedo
- Seeds Del Mundo
- Seeds of Life
- Seedsheet
- SeedsNow
- SeedWorld
- Seffner Rock & Gravel
- Serene Human
- Serenity Falls Water Features
- SF Garden Supply
- SF Plants
- Shades Of Green
- Sheelytown Market
- Sheffield's Seed
- Sherman Library & Gardens
- Shop Plant Collective
- Shop Succulents
- Shore Grow Hydro
- Shroom Supply
- ShrubHub
- Siara Designs
- Sierra Gold Nurseries
- Silk Plants Direct
- Simple Outdoor Living
- Simply Hydroponics
- Simply Organic Soil
- Simply Trees
- SimPro Formula
- SiteOne
- Sixteen Acres Garden Center
- Skunk Grow Supply
- Sky Nursery
- SkyPots
- Sloat Garden Center
- Smart Carts
- Smart Pot
- Smokey's Gardens
- Snakeroot Botanicals
- Sneed's Nursery
- SoHum Soils
- Soil & Clay
- Soil Doctor
- Soil Logic
- Soil3
- SoilKit
- Soilutions
- Solaris Garden
- Sophie's Orchids
- Southern Ag
- Southern Living Plant
- Southland
- Southwest Gardens
- Southwood
- Spade To Fork
- Speciality Soils
- Spectrum Hydroponics
- SpeeCo
- Spring Hill Nursery
- Springs Preserve
- Springworks Farm
- Sprinkler Doctors
- Sprout House
- SproutHouse Supply
- SproutRite
- Square Foot Gardening
- Stand With Nature
- Star Nursery
- Stark Bro's
- Stein's Garden & Home
- Steve's Leaves
- Stocks & Green
- Stoneface Inc.
- Strader’s Garden Centers
- Straight Path Farms
- Streambank Gardens
- Studio M Outdoor
- Stuff Hollywood
- Sturdi-Built
- Stylush
- Subpod
- Suburban Lawn & Garden
- Suburban Succulents
- Succulence
- Succulent Market
- Succulent Native
- Succulents Box
- Succulents Depot
- Succulents Empire
- Succy Crafts
- Summer Hawk Ranch
- Summer Hill Seeds
- Summerland Gardens
- SummerWinds Garden Centers
- SummerWinds Nursery
- Sun Gro
- Sunbelt Outdoor Products
- SunBlaster
- Sunday
- Sundrop Gardens Landscaping
- Sunland Water Gardens
- Sunniland Corporation
- Sunnyside Gardens
- Sunscape Nursery
- Sunset Blvd Nursery
- Sunshine Bromeliads
- Sunshine Growers Nursery
- Sunspot Supply
- Super Green Tomato
- Super Sprouter
- SuperCloset
- Supernatural Brand
- Superthrive
- Supragarden
- Sustainable Hydroponics & Organic Garden Supply
- Sustainable Seed Co
- Swan Island Dahlias
- Swansons Nursery
- Sweet Peas Garden Shop
- Sweet Yards
- SymbiOp Garden Shop
- Synergy Agricultural Products
- Syngenta
- System Pavers
- T & T Hydroponic Store Canada
- T4U
- Tabor Tools
- Tagawa Gardens
- Talini's Nursery
- Tall Plants
- Tangletown Gardens
- Tapara
- Taproot Hydroponics
- Tawa Threads
- Team Grow
- TechniSoil
- Tecomate
- TeeJet
- Ten Thousand Pots
- Tend Greenpoint
- Tennessee Farmers Cooperative
- Tennessee Wholesale Nursery
- TeraGanix
- Terra Bella Nursery
- Terra King
- Terravita Plants
- Territorial Seed
- Texas Seasons Nursery & Landscape
- Texas Tree Farms
- Texas-Tulips
- That Feeling Co.
- The Air-Pot Bros
- The Aquaponic Source
- The Arbor Gate
- The Autoflower Store
- The Boho Succulent
- The Bonsai Shack
- The Bonsai Supply
- The Bronze Petal
- The Bruce Company
- The Bucket Company
- The Cactus Outlet
- The Dragonfly Shops & Gardens
- The Farmer's Daughter
- The Flower Garden
- The Flower Market
- The Flower Ranch
- The Garden Depot
- The Garden Factory
- The Garden Store
- The Grainery Greenhouse
- The Green Goddess
- The Greenery Nursery
- The Grow Network
- The Growers Depot
- The Growers Warehouse
- The Harden Garden
- The Home & Garden Store
- The Hydro Store
- The Irish Fairy Door Company
- The Little Burros
- The Living Seed Company
- The Madd Potter
- The Master Gardner Company
- The Mellow SF
- The Next Gardener
- The Patio District
- The Pilea Plant Shop
- The Plant and Pot
- The Plant Club Shop
- The Plant Farm
- The Plant Foundry
- The Plant Stand of Arizona
- The Planter's Choice
- The Plantsy
- The Pond Guy
- The Pottery Place
- The Potting Shed By Carlisle
- The Preserve Plants Shop
- The Prickly Pear
- The Richlawn Company
- The Rop Shop
- The Savannah Planter
- The Sill
- The Sincere Brand
- The Soil King
- The Squirm Firm
- The Standard Design Group Nurseries
- The Succulent Source
- The Tender Gardener
- The Terrorium Shop
- The Tree Center
- The Tree Place
- The Tree Store
- The Trees Remember
- The Wildlands Conservancy
- The Zen Succulent
- thegreenertomorrow
- Theisen's
- thicket
- Think Green – Design | Build Landscape
- Thompson & Morgan
- Thorn & Raised
- Thorsen's Greenhouse
- Thriving Design
- Throwflame
- Thunder Acres
- Thunderstruck Bonsai
- Tickle Me Plant
- Tidewater Trees
- Tierra Garden
- Tiger Sheds
- Tilth Soil
- Titan Controls
- TLC Garden Centers
- Tn Nursery
- Tollaa
- Tonkadale
- Tony's Outdoor Services
- Top Grow Light
- Top Tropicals
- Topsoil and More
- Torpedopot
- Total Biome
- Total Green Holland
- Total Pond
- Tower Garden
- TPS Nutrients
- Transformed Landscaping
- Trax Farms
- Treats For Chickens
- Tree Gator
- Tree of Life Nursery
- Tree Seeds for Sale
- Tree-T-Pee
- Treedom
- TreeHelp
- Treeland Nurseries
- Treeland Nursery
- Trees For Sale Online
- Trees of Antiquity
- Trendspot
- Tricam Industries
- Trident Fence
- Trim Buddies
- Trimleaf
- Tropica Mango Nursery
- Tropicaflore
- Tropicals Plus
- Tropiflora
- True Garden
- True Leaf Market
- True Pump & Equipment
- Truly Garden
- Tubtrugs
- Tucson Cactus Company
- Tulsa Botanic Garden
- Tunnel Vision Hoops
- Turner's Gardenland
- Tusco Products
- Two Green Thumbs
- Ty Ty Nursery
- Tyler Farms
- Tyler's Farm
- U.S. Hydroponics
- Ugaoo
- Uncle Jim's Worm Farm
- Under The Sun Garden Center
- Unique-Hydroponics
- Unit Farm
- United Nursery
- Universal Landscape
- Upcycle Products
- Upland Nursery
- UPshining
- URB Natural
- Urban Cultivator
- Urban Earth
- Urban Farmer
- Urban Garden Seeds
- Urban Gardener
- Urban Leaf
- Urban Plant Growers
- Urban Roots Cooperative Garden Market
- Urban Sprouts
- Urban Succulents
- Urban Tree Farm Nursery
- Urban Worm Bag
- Urbotanica
- Urbz
- USA Grow Store
- Vacchiano
- Valley Hills Nursery
- Valley Sod Farms
- Van Meuwen
- Van Putte Gardens
- VegBed
- VegeBox
- Vego Garden
- Vegtrug
- Velvet Leaf Plant Co.
- Verdant Lyfe
- Veritable
- Veritable USA
- VermisTerra
- VermiTek
- Vern's Organic Topsoil & Bark
- Vertak
- VerteFarm
- Vertplanter
- VI Plant Shop
- Viagrow
- Victory 8 Garden
- Victory Garden LA
- Victory Greens
- Viewtopia
- Vinsetta Gardens
- Viparspectra
- Visionscapes Land Design
- Vista Succulents
- Vivosun
- Volante Farms
- Waiahole Nursery & Garden Center
- Wakefield Biochar
- Waldoch Farm Garden Center
- Walker Landscape Maintenance
- Wallace Organic Wonder
- WallyGro
- Walter Andersen Nursery
- Walter's Lawn Service
- Walters Landscapes
- Walton's Lawn & Garden Center
- Water X Scapes
- Waterloo Outdoor Design Build
- Watex Green Living
- Watson's Greenhouse
- Wattston Bonsai
- Wayside Garden Center
- Wayside Gardens
- Web Hydroponics
- WEE Grow
- Weed Eater
- Weed Seeds USA
- Weed Warrior
- WeedMaster-Shop
- Weekend Life Outdoor Living
- Wegman's Nursery
- Weidners
- Wekiva Foliage
- West Coast Seeds
- West County Gardener
- West Seed Farm
- Westerlay
- Western Garden Nursery
- Weston Nurseries
- When in Bloom
- White Flower Farm
- White Oak Gardens
- Whitney Farms
- Wigert’s Bonsai
- Wilcox All-Pro
- Wild Few Herb Farm
- Wild Island Collective
- Wildflower Tools
- Willis Orchards
- Wilson Bros Gardens
- Wilson Brothers Lawn and Landscape
- Wilson's Nursery & Garden Center
- Wilt-Pruf
- Windmill Gardens
- Window Fleur
- Window Garden
- Wingard's Market
- Wiser Lawn
- Wolf Trap Nursery
- Wonder Soil
- Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm
- Woolly Pocket
- Woottens Plants
- Work Hard Worms
- Worm Nerd
- WormBucket
- Wright Gardner